Does Your Website Use Google Maps? If So, Read This.

author: Timmothy Merath

Written by: Timmothy Merath

Chief Operating Officer


  • Digital Marketing

Google has recently announced that they are going to cease support for their Maps products for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) users in August 2022. This is in line with Microsoft’s plans to end support for IE11 for their apps and services. Here is a little more information about what’s to come and how you can react.

Starting this month, August 2021, IE11 users will receive a notification when using Google Maps products—this includes their main site as well as embeds and APIs used on other sites. The message is dismissible and will note something similar to: “You are using a browser that is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API. Consider changing your browser.”

After August 2022, Google Maps will no longer load for all Internet Explorer browser versions. IE11 is the final version of Internet Explorer.

We recommend that you encourage your internal and external website users to upgrade their browser as soon as possible, if they are currently using Internet Explorer.

There are no actions to take with your Google Maps API integrations or embeds to avoid this deprecation of support. We suggest you promote browser upgrades to your internal and external users as soon as possible. This can be done through notifications on your site in addition to the Google Maps notifications. If you’d like to talk with us about how EPIC can help you, let us know!

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