A Creative Agency

Work Hard and Be Nice to People

Our Work

We were born in a garage. Now we’re a full-service agency living in an art museum.

Our clients will tell you that says a lot about who we are and the work we produce. Fair enough. But also, finding a garage that’ll hold an 85-person advertising agency ain’t easy.


EPIC E-ROLL | The Book Nook view project


E-Roll | The EPIC Book Nook

view project

Social Media

A (Laundry) Star Is Born

EPIC Blog | Talent vs Effort view project


Talent vs. Effort

Made to order.

hamburger graphic with several toppings, where the topping represent our array of in-house agency services

Your burger isn’t just a burger. It’s a full-service EPIC burger, guaranteed to satisfy your business hunger.

Whether you’re eyeing a small, à la carte marketing project or need a full-service marketing company to execute 360-degree campaigns, your order comes with a generous slathering of the secret sauce that’s been the envy of the Milwaukee marketing & advertising community for over 30 years: an experienced, efficient, fun-loving, results-driven team of creative dynamos. (Thousand Island dressing also available upon request.)

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